I dated a Russian Heeb on & off for seven months. In addition to offering his two cents on any article of clothing on my body, the RH enjoyed making me feel lame-O for having never traveled abroad. Traveling, in his elitist viewpoint, is something everyone can, or should be able to find a way in which to afford.
As the cliche goes, hindsight is 20/20. Though I didn't know it as I cursed the heavens & wondered what was wrong with me, I realize today that RH was classic Eurotrash, without the laziness. To his credit he is a talented painter, and quite the horticulturist. During the months we spent arguing together he inspired me to take on new houseplants, which are doing well, and I hope will survive the re-location next door, and the impending change in sunlight.
I always made it clear to RH that I "felt" like I've traveled, if only through books, the Discovery Channel I watch on occasion at the gym, some travel show on WTTW I can never remember the name of, or by proxy from hearing stories about other countries told by Americans that have bravely donned fanny packs, and walked cobblestone streets. I know, I know, these are ALL some of the lamest excuses ever, but the truth is I just have not had the time, nor wanted to spend the money required to leave the country. Plus, I secretly fear that if I leave, even under the guise of a "vacation," I will fall in love with other countries, and never want to return, or I will return, and be a travel druggie, always looking for the next trip to get my fix.
So, I remain frugal, uncultured, and a loyal Midwesterner that knows her territory well. I was born in Flint, Michigan, raised in Illinois, and schooled in Ohio. I feel like I've never met a person from Indiana that I didn't like. Did you know Indiana doesn't even require emission tests? I think that's really cool.
Recently, S. and I missed a Saturday class. I was taking care of my sick cat, and S. was vacationing in Amsterdam. "Email me your pics!" I requested. I don't ask this of everyone. When my cousins went to Disneyland for the tenth time in as many years I wasn't clamoring to check out their slideshows. Ditto for most honeymoon pics unless it's to a cool destination, and photos of people drinking at bars on vacation that look like just the bars back at home.
Amsterdam seemed like a perfect choice for the first vacation in my Vicarious Vacation Club, of which I am the only member. I looked over S's Flickr album, and determined that the pics seen in this blog are the ones that best represent the first of my documented vicarious vacations.
I hope you enjoy the photos from my trip. To put your own trip together, visit flickr.com/photos/sarahrussom/sets/72157614444186098
Ah yes, Amsterdam. I remember when my cousin went there...
ReplyDeleteSo, you had a vicarious vacation as well! My vacation to Raleigh to see you was for real though, and I just realized I was in Raleigh when S. was in Amsterdam. It was the Saturday before that I'd been with my cat at the vet.