J. is a stay-at-home mother to two young girls. She works part-time in the box office of a local theater. J's husband is a sales representative at a retail store.
The downturn in the economy has affected J's family, though she'd prefer to keep hard times out of this post.
"Everyone has a sob story," J. says.
J. recently joined the YMCA for the free babysitting, exercise, and chance to clear her head.
Sewing, and working on crafts also clears J's head. She's crocheting a miniature village for her daughter, working on a new reversible apron, and a quilt for her husband, which contains squares obtained after posting a call for fabric on Freecycle. J. has made children's outfits, blouses, capes, felted vegetables, mushroom houses, and rocket ships.
There's an Obama/Biden bumper sticker magneted to J's refrigerator. J. has hope in the new leadership, and believes that the economy will improve soon.
To help supplement her family's income J. has decided to moonlight at her sewing machine, in hopes of finding homes for the stuff she stitches late at night when everyone is sleeping.
After a deposit on materials, most orders can be crocheted, stitched, or hand-crafted at $10/hr. Reversible aprons are J's favorite project. The fabric is pre-washed/shrunk, and stitched on a vintage Singer machine. Other patterns are available, as well as one-sided aprons for toddlers interested in helping out in the kitchen.
Aprons would make a unique bridal shower, or bridesmaid gift. Please email ginandjuiced@hotmail.com
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