Hopefully the enclosure link will work, but if you click on the headline it should take you to Daft Punk's "One More Time."
I fell asleep to The Pitchfork 500, a collection of 500 songs over the past few decades that have made an impact on music, according to the pretentious but oft spot-on snobs at Pitchfork.
This morning, the 500 was still going, and I was in bed, and trying to ignore my cat who was making a too-early plea for food by biting my feet. Not the kind of bite that draws blood, just the typical hey-I'm-an-obese-spoiled-house-pet-that-got-this- way-because-you-made-me-this-way kind of reminder, which came at the ungodly hour of 9:30 a.m.
Finally, around 9:32 a.m., I fed the monster. He's on a wet food holiday because wet food contains more magnesium, and is much better for cats with bladder issues. What this means is that it requires me to actually leave my bed to feed him.
After eating, he returned to bed, where I was trying to go back to sleep. He began licking my forehead, perhaps in thanks, or because I seem like I need a good cleaning. Have you ever kissed a relative at a bat mitzvah that had a mouthful of lox, and bagel? It was like that, except this was with tongue, post a "whitefish, and tuna feast" that was enjoyed inside a mouth whose teeth haven't been brushed in maybe a decade.
So, it was a combination of my cat trying to lick my forehead, and Daft Punk's "One More Time" playing, which got me out of bed a solid 90 minutes before Noon on a Sunday.
"One More Time" is extremely inspiring. It is the perfect cleaning music: peppy, fun, and it will be playing in the background as I call my mother back, Her first born son on Seattle time, and two hours earlier, she reached out to the next best thing, around 11 am CST, but it went to voicemail. The message said (as if I don't know), "Hi, it's your mother. I'll try your landline." Let the communication gates flood open! Happy Sunday to all, and thanks, Daft Punk, Cat, and my mother for all unknowingly tag teaming me out of bed in your own sweet, special ways.
Link, so you can celebrate, too:
:O I been listen to Daft Punk - Technologic...
I came across it cause it is robot used from MIT labs ... Be wicked if they use that in movie