Yesterday, Uncle A. went on a walk by himself. He took along his new gadget, a computerized E-Trac metal detector, which can locate precious metals up to 15-inches beneath the ground's surface.
My aunt told my mom that UA was off to the park, and my mom asked if it was the one at the end of the street with all the playground equipment, because that's not actually a park... It's the yard for a nearby church, and the house in front of it belongs to a pastor.
The playground was deserted (maybe Easter services were over?), and no one ran out of the house, according to UA. He didn't find anything, either, though the men in his club, the Midwest Historical Research Society, have told him it takes time, and patience to find the good stuff, like a $20,000 ring recently recovered near Oak Street Beach. A club member tracked down the ring's owner through the jeweler, and received a $3,000 reward. (Other finds haven't ended as happily, though. A contractor in Ohio completing repairs on a home uncovered $182,000 in Civil War era coins, and is currently enmeshed in a law suit with the property owners, according to an article in Western & Eastern treasures, an industry magazine that Uncle A. loaned me to better understand his new hobby).
The E-track is $1200. It's something Uncle A has talked about buying for a few years, much to the dismay of my aunt who fears she'll become a beach comber's widow, and never see him again.
Here's a video of my aunt's side, and his.
Hope he strikes it rich.