A fun time was had by all last night, well kind of, if you consider inviting someone over for dinner when the only table you have to eat it on is a broken down trunk, and when you put placemats on the trunk you got at a garage sale many years ago your cat thinks it is just another place to fall asleep on, and instead of going to the concert like you intended to you fall asleep on your guest as he asks you about your day, and based on the amount of things you did in proportion to the amount of sleep you didn't have he diagnoses you as manic because his mother is a shrink and he knows these things and you are already falling asleep but in your dreams you are asking him tell me something I don't already know, okay?
As for the new Aly "alter ego," there's understandably been a lot of questions of late, from friends, and skeptics alike. Just to get all the Alys straight, the Aly that writes the GONE blog is an unemployed 33-year old with six years of sales experience, and six years of writing experience, and trying to answer that burning what-do-you-want-to-do-with-your-life question, which plagues her to varying degrees depending on the day, and how well the job search is going. Aly Hensler is still safely stalking Jared Fogel the Subway Guy from the comfort of her home, and sending him pre-driven unmentionables in envelopes covered with Hello Kitty stickers, but only in the world of sketch comedy, and in blogs, as she is too exhausted to walk to the post office, plus she knows that cliche "be careful what you wish for" sometimes comes true, and she's terrified of the "Power of Love," and what could happen if Jared returns her affections, thus safer to keep it all confined to her public MySpace page. Aly DeLuca is a "brand ambassador leveraging the power of social media, and free channels to help promote local, independently owned businesses." Aly DeLuca will read tarot cards one evening each week at caffe De Luca, or possibly more depending on demand, or less, too.
Before the phrase 'brand ambassador' makes you reach for the nearest barf bag (do airlines still offer these?), please note that Aly is not pimping herself out to Old Navy or Applebee's, but instead to independent, locally owned businesses.
Aly whom writes the GONE blog, Aly whom stalks Jared, and Aly that reads tarot cards for a local cafe are all pictured here. There is another Aly, too, and if you are a business owner, or live in Wicker Park Bucktown and aren't already subscribed to the Street Scene newsletter feel free to get in touch, or send along your business/store blogs, events, job listings (for chamber members only), and anything else you want to share.
Aly that reads tarot cards hopes to see you @ caffe De Luca at 1721 N. Damen on TAX DAY, April 15th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Find the caffe De Luca page on Facebook to receive more info on this event, as well as a new photo album of neighborhood shops, and places you can visit before or after caffe De Luca.
Happy Saturday to All.
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