On a bleak, and colorless day, which happened to be today, I walked past far too many vacant storefronts, and "for lease" signs.
Amid the gray a mirage appeared in the distance.
It was bright orange, named simply "Thai Thank You"
It stopped me in my on-the-go, unemployed tracks. Ain't nothing was going to break my stride except something named Thai Thank You.
What could it mean? I wondered. Was this the "thank you for your business" message one usually gets on the plastic bag holding the doggy bag at the end of the meal? Was TTY already anticipating that the food would be so good you'd be thanking them, or was Thai Thank You thanking the-neighborhood-of-I'm-not-sure-I-think-it-was-just-south-of-Roscoe-Village-near-Wishbone for it's patronage?
I was so puzzled that if I hadn't of been on a pleasant walk, and en route to meeting a friend I would have walked in, and point blank asked, what does Thai Thank You mean?
Or would that be a mean thing to do?
Thank You, Thai Thank You for making me think too much. Isn't there a restaurant called Think? I wonder what Thai Thank You Thinks of Think. Maybe it's not enough of a statement? Think is kind of only suggesting thinking, which anyone can do. Not everyone has gratitude. Like Thai Thank You.
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