Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Jared, I'm Ready for a Foreign Body Sensation, Are You?
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Fair Enough & the Day in Pictures
I've decided that I do not like the phrase "fair enough."
Sunday, December 27, 2009
For Rent
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Jared Fogle, I'm Still Here for You in Some Ways!

Dear Jared,

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Idle mind = devil's playground, plus duct tape

Perhaps there's irony in the fact I just spent 15 straight hours writing all about the neighborhood, with a lot of the emphasis focused on buying stuff for the holidays, and in general outside of my niece I haven't purchased any gifts this year, and don't plan to unless I can craft gifts out of materials found around my apartment. My mom and I have already established a no-gift Hannukah, too.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Not dead, just busy
Monday, November 16, 2009
Blessed Event, Meet My Cat
The woman at the estate sale earlier today saw what I was holding in my arms and sighed happily. "Ah, a Blessed Event doll, good choice!" she exclaimed, adding that she knew exactly what kind of doll it was because she had wanted one as a girl, but had never gotten one. Oh.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Tattoo
“THE TATTOO- Extended Blackout”
ALY, mid 30s
MERLE, late 60s
(In front of a tattoo parlor. MERLE is admiring her forearm and smiling to herself, and then quickly pulls her sleeve down, and covers her forearm as ALY approaches)
Mom! I just got your voicemail! Are you serious? Did you really get a tattoo?
Yes! Why is that so hard for you to believe?
All my life you said I can’t get a tattoo, because I wouldn’t be buried in a Jewish cemetery if I did, and now you… you have a tattoo?! You’re 68 years old!
Well, times have changed. Everybody does cremation now anyway, even the Jews! Sweetie, I’d put your ashes on my mantle regardless of whether or not you had dye on your skin before it was burned over a fire. I’d treasure your ashes even if you spent your life punching holes in your face and in your ears and on your nipples –
Eeeww!! Stop! Okay, I get your point. Please don’t use that word.
What? Nipples? You are such a prude! How did I raise such a prude?
I don’t know what’s gotten into you! You’re acting like a Hell’s Angel.
Well, maybe I’ve been like this all along, and you’ve only seen me the way you wanted to see me.
Uh, maybe. I guess… ? Wha….what is your tattoo of? Did it hurt? Can I see it?
Sure, but don’t touch it! The ink’s not totally dry. This artist girl, Crescent, what a pretty name! If you ever actually have a child in this lifetime you should name her Crescent, forget what I said about naming your child after your dead father. He doesn’t have nothing over the name Crescent.
Uh, anything, not nothing, and yeah, I guess Crescent is a nice name, it reminds me of a roll for some reason, but all these years you’ve been saying I should name...
Anything, nothing, whatever, you know what I mean. You’re a grammar snob, and look where it gets you! Have you found a job yet, or are you just going to move into my spare bedroom and correct my language all day long? Does anyone else but me even read your blahhg?!
I…I have a job, I’m self employed, remember?! And I don’t have time to blog anymore.
Ha! You’re self employed! The Illinois Dept. of Employment Security is the REAL sponsor of your neighborhood newsletter. Biggest one you’ve got! Whatcha gonna do when it ends, huh?
Mom…? Why are you so mean, wh….wh…what’s gotten into you?
Listen, it’s not for me to say. I’m empowered these days, I’m strong, and I’m honest. I’m sick of all the shit I’ve done and said the past six decades. 70 is gonna be the new 22!
Uh, cool! I mean that’s good, I don’t know what age that will make me if you’re gonna be 22 in two years..?
That would make you not born yet. Your brother too. To hell with the both of you!
No, that’s uh totally fine, Mom, really! Sometimes I sort of wish that for myself, and here you’ve just confirmed it. Now can I please see your tattoo?
(Merle rolls up her sleeve. Aly peers at it, and smiles, somewhat relieved)
“I’m Sorry?” You got a tattoo on your arm that says, “I’m Sorry?”
Story of my life, right? I say it so much I figured I’d better just ink it onto my body, and when I can’t say I’m sorry because I’m too busy crying I can just point people I’ve wronged like my children to my shriveled and wrinkled forearm!
That’s really depressing. You’ve never wronged me, mom. I should be the one with an “I’m Sorry” tattoo, not you. I’ve never in my life seen a tattoo that says, “I’m Sorry.”
Well, now you have, but it won’t be on there for long. It’s Henna, and Crescent promised it will wash off by the 15th of April, just in time for taxes. Happy April Fool’s Day!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Downward Dog: A 'Co-insurance Odyssey'
I heard on CNN yesterday that coinsurance is around the corner. The new buzz word for 2010, it means that employees will now have to pay for more of their insurance costs, and up to 50% of an office visit's cost, rather than the traditional flat-rate co-pay, thus if a procedure at an office is three, or four hundred dollars an office visit could cost considerably more than a fixed rate $10 or $15 co-pay.
“Downward Dog"
Oct. 24th, 2009 (version 2)
Sara, Claims Adjustment Team Lead, 40s
Heather, team member, 20s
Jim, team member, 30s
Jen, team member, 20s
Brian, team member, 20s
Becky, New Team Member, 30s
(A conference room. Sara stands at center)
Last quarter we reduced our customer’s employee-initiated health insurance claims by 11.2%. That makes me…
(Drawing a large circle in the air)
Exactly! I couldn’t have done it without the best team in Eon insurance history. What position are we in, folks?
Downward dog?
Mai Chai?
Yes! Brian! Mai Chai! That’s what I’m talking about. Mai Chai is a reflection of the whole body, and entire being. It embodies the chi we felt as a unified team.
Yay, team!
Stop sucking up!
Mai Chai embodies the chi we will continue to experience as we address federally mandated co-insurance in 2010, which will require us to be healthy in order to be fully covered by Eon’s employee provided insurance plan. No more cream-based chicken and dumplings in the vending machines! No more smoking, even if it its 500-ft from the building! No more holding your BlueTooth too close to your ear, you will get cancer! No more sleeping around!
Sleeping…….you mean in case people at Eon have STDs, they won’t be covered? What about preexisting conditions?
What about them? Tough luck, eh? Maybe you should have practiced some tougher love to begin with, taken better care of yourself, done a bit more yoga.
But, I was ra…raped, remember?
Don’t worry, beginning today, Heather, I am mandating daily yoga for the purpose of creating a healthier team for the purpose of keeping our own insurance claims low. It’s time we practice what we preach, and lower our own claims in addition to those of our customers.
Is..isn’t that a little extreme? And, you know my little Bud, he had that harelip at birth, and we couldn’t of controlled it. Bud needed surgery!
Would Bud have needed harelip surgery if you hadn’t of married your third cousin? How do you think harelips occur, Jim, come on? Now shut up, and let’s mai chai! And don’t take your anger out over your mildly retarded son—
He’s developmentally delayed, Sara
Whatever you want to call it, Jim. Don’t take your anger out on me. Take it out on your body! Ok, everyone, stretch high, stretch lean. Reeeeeeeaaaaaach!
(Everyone stand, kicks chairs out, and does a perfect Mai Chai poise, standing on tippy toes, arms high, face to the ceiling, except for BECKY, whom looks on w/ trepidation All stand and reach high with their hands)
So here we are, reaching tall, like tall tall reeds in a river. Are we safe?
Why aren’t we safe?
There is a crocodile.
Oh my gosh, where?!
It’s not a real crocodile, you idiot! It’s a metaphor. But, what is it a metaphor for?
Yes, Booo, boo, boo, and POO POO on ObamaCARE. It IS a crocodile, and it’s threatening our peace! The corporations we serve need OBAMACare like a hole to their heads! Let’s do this pose, people. Breathe in, breathe out. Feel it!! Live it! Breathe it! Give me Mai Chai!
(Sara looks over at BECKY)
Very good! Very good! Becky, feel free to join us!
Thanks, I’m excited to join your team, to be here. I didn’t know yoga was involved. We didn’t do this at my last job.
Last job, last schmob! It’s like saying you had tator tots at your old cafeteria, and why do you guys only have crinkle cut fries here? Who cares, complex carbs are bad for you either way! No obese employees at EON!
I…I don’t like potatoes. Well, I do, but they are so unhealthy. Starchy.
Starchy, exactly! And let’s say you did like potatoes, and you liked them a lot, and you ate potatoes with every meal.
But.. I don’t.
It’s a case study! If you ate potatoes all the time you would need to exercise more, do more yoga, keep EON’s cost of covering you low. But don’t get too cozy! Yoga is all about being flexible, dealing with changes, and team, I feel something interrupting our pose!
Our self evaluations, due by COB? How many more of these meetings are we going to have—--?
---Shhh!!! Back to mai chai! Do not let paperwork block your chi, Jen!! I feel a shadow on our mai chai. It has to do with the subsidized COBRA stimulus. What kind of position is COBRA putting Eon’s corporate clients into?
Downward dog?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you, Jim! I knew I hired you for a reason! Downward Dog it is. Let’s do this!
(SARA moves from a Mai Chai to downward dog position, on the floor, kneeling. Though kneeling toward stage, she pulls her head up like a turtle and speaks loudly)
Our clients are in a bind. They are backed in a corner. They are being fucked from behind by an elephant dick. That elephant is not an elephant. Can anyone tell me what it is?
A chimpanzee?
A dog?
A ferret?
A donkey?
Yes, yes, yes! It is a donkey, and it’s blue! Our nation’s Democratic Socialistic Blue Donkey Machine is at fault.
Exelon will survive! Exelon will fight!
Yes, we will fight for Exelon! Without Exelon this claims team would be a fraction of the size it is today.
(to BECKY)
Becky, you’ll learn soon enough, but Exelon is our biggest client. In the coming days I’ll give you some of their less touchy cases, small stuff like Alaskan oil spills.
Cool! Thanks, Sara, I can’t wait! I worked on claims adjustments for Shell at my last job!
Shell, most excellent! Please, no more talk about your last job, you are at EON Insurance now.
Yes, yes, sorry, I was just there for 10 years, so it’s-
Flush it out, Becky, flush it out! You will become whole again. You will be at peace. You will learn that Exelon’s latest oil spill was exaggerated by blue donkey media. The non-operable melanoma their employees are whining about in the stack of claims I’m going to give you is the lamest poo poo we on this team ever saw pass our desks!
It totally is! Poooo! Like poo piled on my desk every day!
Heather, stop sucking up! If I had a right mind I’d tell you that I hired BECKY to replace you, but that’s not the case. Our team is actually growing, like a….
Yes, a lotus! Becky, please assume lotus position! You are one of us now. Welcome!
Thanks, Sara! I am so glad to be here, but I’m afraid that I’m not, I’m not flexible? I mean I am mentally, but physically I have never been good with stretching? I can do other types of movement… it’s just yoga isn’t for me.
(There is a shocked silence. The team stares at BECKY. SARA seems hurt, and tries to gain her composure.)
I see. I…I;m not sure I understand? I’ll be frank with you; I am shocked. You’ve turned my chi upside down.
Mine, too!
Heather, I swear!
I’m sorry, I did not mean to upset your chi.
I’ll figure it out. May I ask how you managed to get through HR? HR knows what my team is all about. I can’t believe they’d send me somebody not….not flexible.
Well, they didn’t really have a choice in HR. I’m skilled in Zumba, which is rhythmic Latin dancing, combined with fluid, worldly beats. It’s frankly kind of irresistible.
(Music like what Becky described begins to play, and the others solely catch on, all moving to music except SARA)
I know I’m just a newbie here, but I don’t believe that workers should be discriminated against if they are overweight, smokers, have overactive bladders, and thyroids, diabetes, cancer, STDs, disabilities, or a million other reasons private insurance companies will drum up to weasel out of fully covering people.
I’m not sure I get what you’re saying. The healthier employees are, the better it will be for our corporate clients who have the burden of covering them!
It’s not a burden; it’s a responsibility, Sara.
Yea… Yea, Jen is right, Sara.
She….she’s got a point. I… I’m with Becky.
Becky, I think you’re going to have to leave. I know it’s a bit early for an Exit interview with HR, but we need to pencil one into your orientation schedule.
I support “ObamaCARE.” It’s the dawn of a new America, and we will not be moved. Like a tree standing by the waterside, we shall not be moved.
(SARA strikes a defensive stance, as her entire team joins BECKY in forming one unified line moving to Zumba rhythms)
(shouting above the music)
SARA, if you want EON to cover your Lithium pills, you’d better join us!