i know a few people who get ballsy enough to be in stranger's faces. in general i prefer consent in all things photographic.
parades, however, are fair game!
this photo, which i just found while deleting a bunch of old images, was from the Pride parade a few years back. it's the CNA insurance company float. i can't think about CNA or look at its tall red building, so prominent against the city skyline, without thinking about the woman who was killed when a glass window blew off of one of the building's top floors.
i just read that in the settlement the family received $18 million. though there's been plenty of reports on what happens to lottery winners after the fact, i wonder what happens after families receive such large settlements. time is known to "heal all wounds" when it comes to losses of all kinds, but where does money fit into this equation. is it like a salve? is there a lot of guilt tied to it? how is it spent? to a giant corporation like CNA, $18 million is a drop in the bucket, but to a single family who received the sum as a result of a tragic loss, what does it mean?
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