Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Full Moon

Anything can happen when there's a full moon as was the case yesterday. 

The moon is visible in the far left corner of this image snapped while on a very long yet very head clearing walk.

How is the 'walking man' inside the stoplight at Clyborn & Magnolia so much bigger than our moon? 

My cell phone died, and the charger is missing.  The person who has keys to the lost & found box at the theater I was at for a student rehearsal won't be back until tomorrow, and while there's a 50/50 chance my charger might be in the box, I'm willing to wait another day, phone-less, and unconnected rather than buy a new charger. 

I wish I weren't so absent-minded. I need a holster on me at all times, with everything I need in that holster, and some sort of electroshock to my body in the event the holster gets removed. In addition to the holster,  a land-yard to hang from my neck with my house and car keys on it might be a good idea, and maybe my name too in case I forget that lest the alter-egos get out of control. Passwords for various Internet sites should also be incorporated into this new and better organized version of myself.  

After I fix myself I can start working on the home and become a shopper at The Container Store off North Ave. instead of just wandering around in it like I usually do before hitting up its bathroom which is one of the nicer bathrooms around. 

A favorite poem comes to mind. 

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